Mid-Week Connect

What is Mid-Week Connect?
What is Mid-Week Connect?

September through May, St. Mark gathers each Wednesday evening for Mid-Week Connect to grow in faith and build community. If you’re trying to find your place or your people at St. Mark, Mid-Week Connect is the place to do it!

Find Your Place

See what happens each Wednesday from 6:15-7:30pm.

Kids: Age 3-Grade 5

Join St. Mark Kids for programming from 6:15-7:30pm in the Upper Level of the Discipleship Center!

Students - Grade 6-8

St. Mark Students are learning about what it means to be a Christian, and how we can live those values out in the world.  Each Wednesday from 6:15-7:30pm, alternating between the Fellowship Hall and the Lower Level DC.

Youth - Grades 9-12

St. Mark Youth are digging deeper into what it means to follow and serve Jesus.  Each Wednesday from 6:15-7:30pm, alternating between the Fellowship Hall and the Lower Level DC.


Adults will gather in the Fellowship Hall. Based on the current topic we may worship, pray, and have messages or teachings designed to lead us into conversation about our faith.  We will be joined by groups of either Middle or High School students on alternating weeks.  Our time together will last roughly from 6:15-7:00pm, with discussions to follow.